每篇推文每篇500USDC、年薪36.5万美元,Story Protocol 雇了一个AI Agent当实习生
尽管这次 Story Protocol 雇佣 Luna 作为推特内容实习生是独立事件,但结合 ATCP/IP,背后体现的是未来 Agent 经济的基础设施建设已经开始迈步了。
在接下来一个月内,任何人都可以通过 Daydreams 部署 AI Agent,来游玩 Starknet 上任何基于 Dojo 的全链游戏。
尽管这次 Story Protocol 雇佣 Luna 作为推特内容实习生是独立事件,但结合 ATCP/IP,背后体现的是未来 Agent 经济的基础设施建设已经开始迈步了。
AiPool, which is backed by ai16z founder Shaw, and Spore.fun, which has attracted much attention from the market, both use Phala Network's TEE technology to issue coins, which has once again attracted community attention to the active projects in the Polkadot ecosystem during the last bull market.
来源:福布斯作者:Leeor Shimron编译:比推BitpushNews2024 年是比特币和更广泛的加密货币生态系统的历史性转折点。这一年,...
Recently, World Liberty Financial (hereinafter referred to as WLFI), which has close ties with the Trump family, has frequently purchased ETH, LINK, AAVE, ENA, etc., triggering a follow-up craze in the market and becoming an indicator that cannot be ignored in the crypto investment market.
【GPT】Spore项目通过AI Agent的繁衍与进化机制,结合Phala的TEE技术和ai16z的AI框架,迅速吸引市场关注。其代币$SPORE市值突破2500万美元,同时推动老项目Phala($PHA)市值翻倍。Spore通过自动化发币和优胜劣汰机制实现自主繁殖,与Phala和ai16z形成紧密关联,三者币价联动显著,但风险较高。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Lawrence,火星财经
「一次存入,两层网络,多重收益」,对普通用户来说,告别复杂的「傻瓜式」捕获 Berachain 早期红利的必备利器。